Saturday, April 25, 2009

La Playa de Oregon - Seaside Oregon

El domingo pasado fui con mis amigos de la iglesia de Washingtown a la iglesia luterana en Astoria. Ese dia muy lindisimo porque estuvo caliente, todos estaban tan felices ese dia que fueron a la playa a tomar un poco de sol. Despues del servicio en la iglesia de astoria fuimos a la playa que se llama Seaside. Nos quedamos alli hasta el atardecer, fue muy lindo ver el atardecer desde alli, fue mi primera vez ver el atardecer en la playa.

Durante que estamos en la playa estuvimos jugando Football americano, bueno solo estamos haciendo tiros con la pelota, aprendi como hacer esos tiros y tambien un poco de soccer. Fue bien calidad porque me broncie bastante.

In English:

The last sunday I went with my friends from the church of WA to Astoria's Church. That day was awesome because it was warm, everybody were so happy that they went to the beach to get some tan. So after the service we went to the beach that it's call Seaside. We stayed there until the sunset, it was beautiful to see the sunset from the beach, it was my first time in Oregon to se the sunset in the beach.

While we were in the beach, we were playing American Football, well actually we were just doing some throws with the ball, I learned how to throw the ball and we played somewhat soccer as well. It was nice because I got some tan.

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