Friday, September 25, 2009

El Sur de Carolina - South Caroline

Tuve una semana de descanso y gracias a Dios tuve la oportunidad de ir al sur de Carolina. Estuve alli solo por un fin de semana. Por mucho tiempo tuve el deseo de ir alli. Me quede en la casa de Mark y Katie Nyblom. Ellos fueron muy amables en dandome donde quedarme; yo los conoci a ellos en Guatemala hace 3 anos, y fue un gusto a verlos visto a ellos. Como talvez ya sabes ellos adoptaron dos gemelos de Jutiapa, Guatemala.

Fue un gran placer ver a Arianna & Brayden. Ver que ahora ellos tienen un gran futuro por delante, esta familia ha cambiado el futuro de Arianna y Brayden. Hace dos viernes que aterrize y nos mas llegue vi a mi querido amigo Ryan Routsala. Ese mismo dia fuimos a Georgia porque el queria a visitar a unos ninos que fueron adoptados en Zacapa y ahora ellos viven en Georgia. Al siguiente dia fui a Pollo Campero y por fin fui a una tienda Guatemalteca. Tambien fui a visitar a unos amigos que han estado en Guatemala.

Y el ultimo dia fui a la iglesia La Vina por mi primera vez, fue un placer ver personas conocidas. Esta iglesia tiene gente de Mexico, por lo cual ellos tienen un traductor para ellos. Esta iglesia esta muy bendecida, tiene muchos talentos y que bueno que los estan usando para alabar al Senor y predicar su palabra. Ellos estan alimentando gente en el Quiche, ellos son una bendicion para Guatemala.

Me senti triste haber estado por un corto tiempo alli; pero muy agradecido por la oportunidad. Gracias por sus oraciones durante el tiempo que estuve viajando.

In English:

I had my break and thank the Lord. I ha

d the opportunity to go to South Caroline. I was there just for a weekend. Since two years ago I was wishing to go there. I stayed at Mark & Katie’s house. They were very kind to me in giving a place where to stay; I met

them in Guatemala three years ago and it was great to see them there. As you might know they adopted two twins from Jutiapa, Guatemala.

It was awesome to see Arianna & Brayden. Now they have a future, this family has changed the future of Arianna and Brayden. Two Fridays ago I arrived in SC and right away I saw my friend Ryan. This day we wento to Georgia because he wanted to visi

t some kids who were adopted in Zacapa and now they live in Georgia. The follow day I went to Pollo Campero and finally I went to a Guatemalan store. I also went to visit some friends that have been in Guatemala.

The last that I was there I went to The Church “The Vine” for my first time, it was pleasure to see known people. This

church has people from Mexico, therefore they have translator for them. This church is very blessed, it has a lot of talents and it is good they are using

those talents to worship the Lord and preach HIS WORD. They are feeding people in Quiche; they are a blessing to Guatemala.

I felt so sad that I was there for short time; however I’m very thankful for the opportunity. Thank you for your prayers while I was traveling.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Acampando - Camping


Acampando en Crater Lake – Camping in Crater Lake

Hola me queridos amigos! Bueno decidi hoy escribir sobre el viaje que hize con mi programa en el estado de Oregon. El sabado 22 de agosto, viajamos Sur Este atras de las Montanas Cascades. Como les he estado contando, Oregon tiene mucha naturaleza y diversidad de ambientes. Oregon es conocido por los grandes bosques pero tambien por los desiertos que

posee con rios y lagos con una agua tan fria que ni se puede nadar. Conforme el viaje pasamos por Bend, Madras y por fin llegamos a Crater Lake que fue donde acampamos por dos noches, es un lugar muy hermoso; el agua es muy azul y tiene una historia muy interesante. Como ustedes saben yo fui con mi programa, hubieron mas de 20 personas acampando con nosotros. Durante el tiempo que estuvimos alli hicimos fogatas, cantamos, contamos historias, cuentos etc.

Despues de haber acampado dos dias en Crater Lake nos dirimos Norte parapar acam cerca del Rio Makensi, viajamos 3 horas norte. Fuimos a visitar muchos lugares turisticos de Oregon; Adjunte algunas fotos para que puedan verla, cada vez que visito lugares turisticos le doy gracias al Senor por su gran creacion en el mundo para nosotros. Durante el tiempo que estuvimos acampando cerca de Rio makensi pasaron muchas cosas lindas que nunca voy a olvidar.
Fue una gran experiencia con mi programa, muchos momentos innolvidables. Fue una gran bendicion haber estado en esos lugares tan lindos.

Gracias por estar leyendo mi blog, ultimamente no escrito mucho, pero tratare de mantenerlos al tanto. Por favor ora por mi, he pasado por momentos muy duros, pero Jesus nunca me ha dejado apesar que no soy obediente al Senor. Pero he aprendido que Dios nos ama apesar de lo que hayamos hecho. Dios odia el pecado pero ama al Pecador.

In English

Hi my dear friends!! I decided to write about the trip that I did with my program around Oregon. Saturday 22th of August we traveled South East along the Cascades Mountains. As I have been telling you, Oregon has a lot of Nature and diversity of environments. It’s known for its big forests but also for its deserts with rivers and lakes with cold water that you can’t even swim. As we were traveling we passed Bend, Madras and finally we arrived to Crater Lake which was where we camped for two nights, it’s a amazing place; its water is very blue and it has a interesting history. As you know I went with my program, there were more than 20 fellows camping. During the time we were there we had bonfires, we sang, we shared short histories, tales and so on.

After camping two days at Crater Lake we headed out to North to camp near by the Makensi River, we drove for three hours north. We visited several tourists’ places in Oregon; I attached few pics so that you can look at them, every single time I visit places like that, I give thanks to the LORD for his amazing and outstanding creations in the earth for us. While were camping near by the Makensi River happened many beautiful things that I won’t forget.

It was a great experience with my program, so many unforgettable moments. It was a blessing to have been in those beautiful places.

Thank for reading my blog, lately I haven’t written a lot, but I’m going to try to keep you aware of. Please pray for me, I’ve had so many hard times but Jesus has never leave me although I’m not obedient to the Lord. However, I have learned that God love us regardless we have done. The lord hates the sin but he loves the sinner.