Saturday, March 21, 2009

Mi servicio Comunitario - My community Service

El dia de hoy me toco ir hacer mi servicio comunitario en una comunidad de oregon que se llama Sandy, hubo un grupo de mi programa y un grupo de americanos.. estuvimos reforestando una area deforestada.

Hoy estuve enfermo.. tenia friebe pero siempre fui a pesar que no tenia ganas. Hoy en la noche mi amigo Tom Lappi me va venir a recojer para ir manana a su iglesia... hoy en la noche compartire mi testimonio a mi amigo Tom Lappi, he estado leendo un libro donde ensena que cada vez que compartirmos nuestro testimonio, nostros nos volvemos mas fuertes en espiritu y tambien otras personas.

Yo se que hablar sobre lo que hicimos en el pasado no es muy comodo decirlo.. pero es bueno hacerlo a personas que necesitan saber quien eramos en el pasado y pues testificar que ahora somos salvos por la sangre de jesus .

In English:

Today I had my community service in a village from Oregon that it’s called Sandy. There were a group from my program and one from ameircans.. we were reforesting some areas.
Today I was sick..I had fever but I went there even though I didn’t have a good Mood. Tonight my friend Tom Lappi is going to pick me up to go to church tomorrow .. tonight I’m going to share my testimony to him. I’ve been reading a book where teaches that every single time we share our testimony; we become more strong in spirit and also the people who is listen to us.

I know that to speak about what we done in the past is not very easy.. but is good to do it to the people that need to know what we were in the past and to testify that now we are saved by the blood of Jesus.

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