Saturday, January 24, 2009

El dia que me mude a los Estados Unidos ( The day that I moved to the USA)

Ese dia fue muy dificil para mi porque yo sabia que iva a extranar mi familia, mis amigos y mi linda Guatemala. El programa donde obtuve esta beca, ellos estuvieron preparando my viaje antes del dia que partiera. El dia que mi avion partiera vi el fulturo de mi nueva vida aqui. No puedo olvidar ese dia que deje Guatemala porque hizo una diferencia en mi vida.

I hope you understand my english!!!!That day was very difficult for me because I knew that I will miss my family, my friends and my beautiful Guatemala. The program where I got the scholarship, they were preparing my trip before I left. That day I saw the future of my new life here. I can't forget that day because it made a difference in my life.

1 comment:

  1. Denis - I am very proud of you for taking this big step to make a difference in your life. What a great oppurtunity :)

